When It's Your First Time For A Massage.
Is it your first time having a massage? Relax! We will walk you through the basics.
If going to a spa for the first time makes you nervous, you're not alone. Many people have their first massage experience when they get a gift certificate. Some people don't even use the gift certificates because they're anxious about what will happen and the finer points of massage etiquette! Other first-time spa-goers have their first spa experience on vacation, at a resort/hotel spa. Resort/hotel spas come in a wide range of sizes and styles, from your private rooms to the lavish, sprawling resort spas.
The biggest area of concern is taking your clothes off for a massage. Don't worry! Modesty is always preserved during massage. You can keep your clothes on for certain types of massage, like reflexology and Thai Massage.
When you book your appointment, let us know it's your first massage visit, we'll take the time to answer any questions you have.
Feel free to ask questions about which massage treatments would be right for you. The most popular are Swedish massage, Thai Massage, Reflexology, Water Massage and Chair Massage.
When booking your massage treatment, let us know if you have a preference for a male or female therapist.
What Happens At The Massage?
A hot shower before your massage is always a good idea. It's essential if you've had a dip in the hot tub or swimming pool. Arrive wearing comfortable clothing.
Arrive at least a few minutes earlier before your treatment starts so you have a moment to relax. The therapist will greet you when it is time to begin and escort you to the treatment room and will instruct you on how to get on the table or mat, face up or face down.
At the end of the treatment take the moment to relax, if you fall asleep don’t worry its natural. It is a good idea to drink plenty of water after your treatment.