About Benjamin Embly
Ben is a graduate of the Wood Institute and completed his internship in Thailand. He is skilled in many forms of Massage such as Swedish or European Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and many Ayurvedic known as Asian Massage.
Ben is dedicated to promoting the noble and divine art of Vedic Thai-Yoga Bodywork, Nuad Borarn, the revered folk art and medicine of ancient Siam, Thailand. He is a devoted healer and servant of this dharma and is a member of NCBTMB, AMBP, T.H.A.I, ITTA, and License Massage Therapist in Florida.
There are over 200 forms of Massage. In the massage and the healing arts there is always that one that you specialize in. For Ben it is Thai Massage.
Ben has been working with Energy Medicine from a young age in various forms, he has assisted and studied intensely with his Uncle the 'World Renowned Massage Therapist' Michael Buck (Founder/Director of The Vedic Conservatory) and Anthony James.
Ben does out-calls to your home, hotel or office.